Tapestry Big Game Tailgate and Chili Cook-Off
Please email Corrina Weikle at cweikle@fwgoodshepherd.org with questions!!! Come on GSC…let’s represent!
Please email Corrina Weikle at cweikle@fwgoodshepherd.org with questions!!! Come on GSC…let’s represent!
During Christmas break, Good Shepherd will meet for one service only at 10am on December 29th and January 5th. Enjoy your holidays with loved ones!
”What’s an Epiphany?”
An epiphany is an experience of a sudden and striking realization.
During Christmas break, Good Shepherd will meet for one service only at 10am on December 29th and January 5th. Enjoy your holidays with loved ones!
”Go and Tell”
The story doesn’t end with us. It loves on as we continue to tell it, so let’s tell it well.
Big moments are here and gone in a flash. By being present with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus on this night, we celebrate His birth so long ago. May we learn to hold close in our hearts what really should be treasured, and let that guide our present living. This service will be fill with a message of love and hope, carols, communion, and candlelight.
Childcare will be available for children age 3 and under.
Not everyone is cheery at the holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing divorce, coping with job loss, living with illness, and other issues make parties and festivities painful. The Tapestry has created a joint service of sacred space for people living through dark times. This service will be reflective, accepting where we really are, and holding out for healing and hope.
Click here to signup for Christmas Bible School!
A cottage meeting is a chance to discuss GSC with Pastor Nikki. She has some questions that need answering such as what does GSC do well? Sign up on the lobby table as each session is limited to 12 people. Have questions? Email Pastor Nikki at nikki@fwgoodshepherd.org.
Come find us at the Johnny Appleseed Festival! We sell fresh, unpasteurized apple cider and hot kettle corn! All proceeds are split between Madina Village School, Good Shepherd Preschool, and Boy Scout Troop 1.
Come find us at the Johnny Appleseed Festival! We sell fresh, unpasteurized apple cider and hot kettle corn! All proceeds are split between Madina Village School, Good Shepherd Preschool, and Boy Scout Troop 1.
Join other young adults (ages 18-26) for an evening of fun, food and Bible study. This month they are meeting at Promenade Park downtown! Contact Jennifer Cashore for questions at 260-241-0598.
A cottage meeting is a chance to discuss GSC with Pastor Nikki. She has some questions that need answering such as what does GSC do well? Sign up on the lobby table as each session is limited to 12 people. Have questions? Email Pastor Nikki at nikki@fwgoodshepherd.org
Please join Good Shepherd for a special COMBINED Easter Service at 10am.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ will be celebrated with Organ, Brass, Piano, Choir and Congregation during this exciting service of EASTER!
Are You Seeking Jesus? Easter redefines our existence in ways we can barely comprehend. Invite your family members, co-workers, neighbors, and strangers to hear the Gospel Story of Christ's gift to us - His LOVE!
Following service, we will have an egg hunt for the kiddos with over 600 eggs to find…and 4 special Golden Eggs!!! We are also bringing back the hysterical and exciting candy shower! The adventure begins in the fellowship hall.
Childcare is available for children aged 0-2. Sunday School for children aged 3- grade 5. Youth will worship with their family.
At GSC, we acknowledge both the events of the Upper Room and the Garden of Gethsemane (Maundy Thursday) and the day and the sight of Christ's crucifixion (Good Friday) during one evening service. Our Sanctuary Choir will lead congregational songs and sing choral songs that will absolutely bring these two events to life. Without Christ's Upper Room dinner with His disciples, where He shares His destiny; and His grisly death on a wooden cross upon Calvary's hill, there would be no celebration of Easter.
Childcare available for kids age 0-3. Sprackets (activity packets) available for children.