At Good Shepherd, your children will find a home away from home. We encourage learning, sharing, and community. Our adult helpers are trained and screened for the kiddo’s safety.
Save some time on Sunday mornings and pre-register your young children for Sunday School here!
Children begin in the worship service and are dismissed for Sunday School after the Children’s Moment, with the exception of the first Sunday of the month which is reserved for Family Worship.
All children ages 3 - 5th grade are invited!
Family Worship Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. This is a special time for our families to worship together and is very important in the spiritual lives of our kiddos. The first Sunday is also Communion Sunday. Having Communion with your family is a very big deal for a child and an amazing opportunity to show the love of Jesus in a very tangible way.
There will be no Sunday school. During the Modern Service, nursery will be available for infants and toddlers up to age 3 . SPRACKETS (activity packets) will be available for kiddos of all ages in the lobby.
It’s time to start thinking about summer camp!! First, check out the UMC church camp website.
GSC is offering scholarships to help off-set the cost! Please begin by reading through the scholarship options and then filling out the application form. There are several options to receive 50 or 100% off camp costs!!
Please direct all questions to Holly Tetzloff at
SPRACKETS are boxes of fun, child-friendly activities to keep your kiddos occupied and entertained if they struggle to sit through service. They usually include coloring pages and activity pages relating to the season or Sunday School series, fidget toys, wiki stix, and coloring supplies.
Making sure your children are safe and cared for is our top priority. All of our volunteers go through an application and background check process, and we follow the United Methodist Church’s Safe Sanctuaries guidelines. A church staff member monitors the children’s area on Sunday mornings to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Ask at the welcome desk, and a volunteer will gladly show you to our children’s area and introduce you to your child’s Sunday School teacher. If you have any questions, please contact Holly Tetzloff at