
Session 32:  Who is Hosea?
Guided Reading: Hosea 
We are reading the whole book! Its only 14 chapters so you can do it!




Watch Yourself: Watch this overview of Daniel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE6SZ1ogOVU



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Teen Time:   Watch this short video from the Gospel Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY05XI67ets



Lesson: To understand Hosea we need to understand the comparisons.  In this story, God is represented by Hosea and God’s people are represented by Gomer, Hosea’s wife.  Many times throughout the New Testament Jesus is referred to as a bridegroom.   In Ephesians 5, Paul compares the union of husband and wife to the union of Christ and the Church. 


So in this story, you and I are Gomer.  It is kind of harsh to put yourself in same category as an unfaithful wife and a prostitute but that is where we are.  The charges are being unfaithful, leaving God, and turning to other gods.  I at one point thought that not worshiping other gods was easy. I didn’t have any idols set up in my house, and I didn’t pray to other gods by name.  But its actually harder to not worship other gods than you think.  I rely heavily on having money for food, a home, and for providing all my needs and wants.  I don’t have alters dedicated to money, but it is certainly a security.  Shouldn’t I rely on God for my security?    


Because we are unfaithful, charges will be brought against us.  The children of Hosea and Gomer are so named after God’s punishment, God no longer showing love, and God no longer claiming us as His people.  Yikes! God is divorcing us and has every legal right to take us to court and leave us naked and starving in the wilderness.  But that is not what happens.  God says to Hosea go and love your wife again even though she has another lover.  Oh, and not only that but pay all her debts as well!         


Sin separates us from God.  Sometimes, we picture God as the one leaving us, but we are the ones leaving Him.  God loves us enough that despite our bent to sin He sent Jesus.  Jesus is our defense in court.  He represents us, and He has a very strong legal team.  All we need to do is “hire him”. 


Hosea 13:13—”Pain has come to the people like the pain of childbirth, but they are like a child who resists being born.  The moment of birth has arrived, but they stay in the womb.”  All we need to do to hire Jesus as our legal team is accept it.  Just accept the help and stop resisting him.