
SESSION 35:  Who is Obadiah and Jonah?
The greatest reading challenge of all time! Two books in one day! Read all of Obadiah and Jonah. (Its probably the least amount of reading I have given to you. Its 5 short chapters total.)


Watch Yourself: Watch an overview of Obadiah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ogCrEoG5s  Watch an overview of Jonah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLIabZc0O4c


Kids Zone: Watch the episode of Superbook on Jonah.  You will need to create a free account to watch: https://us-en.superbook.cbn.com/episode_player?v=4515331494001


Lesson:  Jonah is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Maybe because I can relate to Jonah or maybe because its so crazy what happens in the book.  Or maybe because its just kind of funny. It reminds me of a Shakespearean comedy like Mid-Summer Night Dream.  Horses getting married vs cows repenting.  God arguing with Jonah over plants.  And of course getting swallowed by a fish. The big difference though is, in Jonah, there is a serious message in the middle of the humor.  God’s mercy is buried beneath the humor. 


The great debate: was Jonah swallowed by a fish or a whale.  In the book of Jonah this animal is referred to as a fish (דָּג ).  In Matthew, Jesus refers to this animal as a sea monster/whale/huge fish (κήτους), although it is translated into great fish.  It’s interesting to note that new words are created all the time.  In Jesus’ time they may have had a more specific term for the type of fish that it was than in the time Jonah was written.  The largest “fish” or sea creature in the Mediterranean is a blue whale.  The largest fish is a basking shark. A shark is a type of fish.  It doesn't eat humans and seems unlikely that it could swallow you whole.  A blue whale seems like the most likely culprit to have swallowed Jonah.  Whatever kind of sea creature it was another aspect of this debate is how did Jonah breath and not get dissolved by stomach acid?  All good questions.  The point that we should emphasis is what is mentioned right before the word fish is mentioned.  Jonah 1:17a “Now the Lord arranged…”  Another way to translate the word, ‘arranged,’ is, ‘assign.’  God assigned a fish. I take this to mean that God may have created a fish for just such a purpose as to carry a man to where His was called to be. However you feel about all that, the point I gather from it is nothing can go against God’s will.  If He wants it done, it will be done.  You will go to Ninevah whether you like it or not!


Who are the Ninevites?  Ninevah was located in modern northern Iraq.  It was the largest city in the world at the time. It is a sinful city compared to Sodom.  Jonah did not like the Assyrians and ran the opposite direction.  He was heading 2500 miles in the opposite direction.  In fact, Tarshish was the most remote place available to Jonah.  Jonah couldn’t get anywhere further than Tarshish.  Like if you were to head to Antarctica. He did not like the Assyrians, and he had good reason.  The Assyrians captured the Israeli capital and carried off its citizen into captivity.  Jonah likely knew someone who was taken away or killed.   So when asked to go to Ninevah to rescue them, his reaction was, “just let them die.”  The final chapter is Jonah complaining that the Assyrians were saved. 


This shows the undeniable truth that God cares for all and wishes all to saved, even enemies of His people, even our own enemies.  God’s desire is mercy for all.  Put yourself in Jonah’s shoes. Who do you need to go share Jesus with?  Who is that person that needs to hear God’s word?  Maybe you are being called to a place you do not want to go.  Where would that place be?  


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Worship Zone: Listen to this worship song; Mercy by Matt Redman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z98MK1aqyg   I am thankful for God’s mercy.  I ask Him to give me clarity on who I need to run to and the strength and courage to do it.  Amen.