Are you on a life journey? Of course you are…you’re alive! Some journeys are awesome: a healthy baby, an exciting new job, an A on that thesis paper. Some journeys are a bit harder: loss of a loved one, a falling-out with family, addictions. This Lent Season, Pastor Tim will take us on a life-changing journey. Along the way, we will discover our faith, weep with sorrow, and tell the truth about ourselves. We will stand at the foot of the cross, lay our stones - our sins - down, and leave in wonder. Together, we will journey through Holy Week and proclaim the good news of the stone rolled away on Easter Sunday.
Are you ready for a life altering journey?
Easter Sunday
Join Good Shepherd as we unroll the last rock and enjoy the promise of Easter!! Grab a friend, it’s time to celebrate!
9am - Traditional Service with a festival choir
11am - Modern Service
Stop 1 - Fat tuesday, March 5 5:30-7:00pm
Your first stop on the Lenten journey is the 3rd-5th Grade Covenant Discipleship group’s pancake dinner! Enjoy pancakes, bacon, sausage, fruit, drinks, and even KING CAKE! This is a free event, but we will be collecting nonperishable food donations for the Feed My Sheep food pantries.
We’ve been focusing on Food Justice all year, and preparing and enjoying food is an important part of the equation. The kids will take ownership of the event by preparing the food and giving back to those in need through the food drive.
Stop 3 - Holy Thursday, april 18 7pm
On Holy Thursday, Good Shepherd remembers the Last Supper. In the book of John, it is recorded that Jesus washed the feet of the disciples as an act of love and servant-hood. On Holy Thursday our youth create a service that represents this love and what this night means to them. They plan the entire service and as an act of love serve communion.
Stop 2 - ash wednesday, march 6 noon and 6:30pm
Ash Wednesday begin our sermon series “The Journey of the Stones”. At noon, the service consists of spoken word only and imposition of ashes. The 6:30pm service is a fuller experience with music and imposition of ashes. The children will be released as they explore the meaning of Ash Wednesday through age appropriate activities.
Stop 4 - good friday, april 19
On Good Friday, you are invited to enjoy the Holy Week Festival Choirs from Good Shepherd and Convenant UMC. They will present “Who is Jesus”, a musical accompanied by piano, flute, violin, oboe, horn, and cello.
Covenant UMC 4pm
Good Shepherd 7pm