When to get here:
On Sundays, Good Shepherd has two services: Good Shepherd Traditional (9AM) and Good Shepherd Modern (11AM). Both services last 1 hour.
On Wednesday nights during the school year, Good Shepherd has a family meal starting at 5:30 PM. Bible studies, choirs and children's & youth programs begin at 6:30 PM. For more information about Wednesday nights, click here.
How to get here:
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church is located on the southwest corner of Vance Ave and Reed Rd in Fort Wayne, IN just south of Snider High School. There are parking lot entrances on both Vance and Reed.
4700 Vance Ave
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
where to go once you get here:
If you are coming on a Sunday, enter through door 1 or door 2 (both doors are located on the west side of the building). The Worship Center will be directly in front of you when you enter through one of these doors. Of course, you'll also want to stop by the SonRise Cafe to snag a coffee, munch on a doughnut, grab some cereal or fruit, and meet some new people. The SonRise Cafe is located in the fellowship hall, which is just through the double doors and down the hall from the Worship Center.
If you're a visitor, stop by the Welcome Center located just inside door 2 and pick up a Welcome Packet. Feel free to ask the Welcome Center volunteers any questions you may have!
What to wear:
Come as you are! You may dress up. You may come in jeans. Jesus loves us no matter what we wear!
what about my kiddos?
Check out the Sunday School Page. Check out the Youth Group Page.
Save some time on Sunday mornings and re-register your young children for Sunday School here!